Criminal Offences - Crimlaw Criminal Defence Lawyers
The criminal defence team at CRIMLAW is dedicated to providing you the valuable client the best possible defence and legal representation for your unique situation. They understand that your freedom and life is important to you. That is why they are willing to invest all their time, personal attention and legal resources into helping you receive the best outcome for your case.
The legal and criminal process can be very confusing if you are not familiar with the legal system. You owe it to yourself, your freedom and your well-being to work with an experienced legal professional who can guide you through the criminal justice process. They will structure a comprehensive criminal defence that is targeted at enhancing your chances of a successful outcome.
Get the right help now!
Call Crimlaw on 1300 777 529 or send us an email from the top of our webpage.
CRIMLAW's experienced criminal defence lawyers can help you with all criminal charges in NSW including the following offences
Homicide: – Murder, Manslaughter, Conspiracy to commit Murder or Manslaughter; | |
Sexual Assault: – Sexual Assault, historic sexual assault, Indecent Assault, Acts of Indecency,Possession of Child Pornography | |
Assaults: – Common Assault, Assault occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (AOABH), Assault occasioning Grievous Bodily Harm, Malicious Wounding, Assault Police, Resist Arrest etc | |
Drug Matters (State & Commonwealth): – Supply Prohibited Drug, Possession Prohibited Drug, Possess Restricted Substance, Manufacturing, Importation, Cultivation | |
Property Offences: – Robbery, Fraud, Larceny, Obtain by Deception, Shoplifting, Malicious Damage or Destroy Property | |
Bail Applications – Release Applications under the new Bails Act both Local Court, District Court and Supreme Court, variations to existing bail conditions. | |
Commonwealth Prosecutions: – Social Security Fraud, Importation of Narcotics, Terrorism charges, Tax Fraud, Money Laundering, Telecommunication Offences | |
RSPCA Prosecutions: – Cruelty to Animal, Failure to provide food, shelter, veterinary care, Dangerous Dog seizures and prosecutions | |
Parole matters: – Revocation of Parole, Intensive Corrections Orders, Home Detention, Review hearings before Parole Authority | |
Traffic matters: – please see our dedicated Traffic Law page. | |
Apprehended Violence Matters – Defending applications for APVO and ADVO, Instituting Applications for APVO and ADVO, Breach of AVO proceedings, Variations and Revocations of ADVO and APVO | |
Other Serious Offences: – including Possession of Firearm, Possession of Explosives, Kidnapping, Extortion, Pervert the Course of Justice, Perjury | |
Summary Offence matters: – including Offensive Conduct, Offensive Language, Custody of a Knife or Offensive Implement, Railway Offences |
Can't find your charge here? Need more information. If you have been charged in NSW then Crimlaw Criminal Defence Lawyers can help.
Call Crimlaw on 1300 777 529
CRIMLAW...because We get you Off! TM