Will CRIMLAW represent me under a grant of aid?
Can CRIMLAW help me with an application for legal aid?
The answer to both these questions is Yes! Whilst Crimlaw Criminal Defence Lawyers is a private law firm we understand that not every person charged with a criminal offence has the money to fund their own legal representation. We believe that when you are charged with a criminal offence you deserve the best representation available to you. That is why Crimlaw Criminal Defence Lawyers are affiliated panel members with Legal Aid NSW. We accept representation and funding for clients who are given a grant of aid by Legal Aid NSW. We can also assist you with the lodgement of an application for aid with Legal Aid NSW.
Crimlaw has lawyers who a members of the Serious Crime Panel, the General Crime Panel, the Childrens Crime Panel, the Sexual Assault Communications Privilege Panel and the Metropolitan Duty Scheme Panel.
The legal aid system in NSW is means tested, which means that to qualify for assistance with legal funding from Legal Aid NSW you will need to verify that you do in fact qualify for legal aid and that you do not have the means to pay for a legal representation yourself. Knowing whether you qualify for legal aid can be difficult. Give us a call on 1300 777 529 and find out if your legal case can be funded by Legal Aid NSW with CRIMLAW's help.
Call Crimlaw a call on 1300 777 529
CRIMLAW...because We get you Off! TM